
[Example Sentences]:
1. The bull run is up over 250% since 2009.
2. This bull is not used to this kind of abuse.
3. At the very least, the bull is taking a pause to collect his thoughts.
4. In that context, we may be still at the early phase of another great secular bull market.
5. European equities entered a bull market as the pace of German inflation doubled last month.
6. Six years into a bull market, the bubble warnings are beginning to bubble over.
7. The analysis was absolutely correct but in the meantime, you can miss out on a bull market.
8. The bull is let loose in the ring.
9. She was a pit bull of an advocate for kids.
10. She thought at first she had seen a huge, tan pit bull on the ground.
11. The bull market is alive and well.
12. A gain of 20 percent or more would put the metal back in a bull market.
13. Such a move would signal rotation, strengthening the bull case.
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