
[Example Sentences]:
1. Almost all of that was put down to bogus invoicing.
2. In most cases, they offer bogus phone numbers or emails to contact them.
3. The bogus numbers were caught mere minutes before the results were announced.
4. Real accounts also tend to produce a lot more data than bogus ones.
5. They have also been known to post completely fake news on bogus sites that mimic the real thing.
6. The story line should not be about bogus Russian spy stories.
7. When a website passes on bogus traffic, this is considered click through fraud.
8. It also hurts drivers because they spend time and gas money on bogus rides.
9. If enough, bogus calls are made, they could prevent legitimate customers from reaching service reps.
10. These use bogus clicks on web ads to generate cash.
11. Across the country, prisoners have had varying success trying to escape using bogus documents.
12. It looks very easy to produce bogus qualification.
13. Scammers sometimes send bogus IRS emails to some victims to support their bogus calls.
14. Sending bogus information to the media to advance law enforcement goals is rare but not unheard of. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home