
[Example Sentences]:
1. Most small mammals die relatively young, but some bats can live over the age of 40.
2. One soldier showed a collection of seized baseball bats in a land where most people have no knowledge of the game.
3. In fact, bats play vital roles in ecosystems around the world.
4. The analysis revealed that vampire bats do still have genes that enable the animal to taste bitter things.
5. People can pick up Ebola directly from animals through contact with infected bats or through contaminated bush meat.
6. Scientists think Ebola first originated in fruit bats, which seem to cope well with the virus and do not become unwell.
7. They beat us using bats and chains.
8. Check out the video above to learn more about bats, because someone definitely lied to you about these charismatic little mammals.
9. Many birds grip tree branches, bats hang upside down, and insects land on just about anything. © 2024  | Terms of Use | Privacy | Home