😀 U+1F600 😀 😀 F0 9F 98 80 \u1F600 Grinning Face
😁 U+1F601 😁 😁 F0 9F 98 81 \u1F601 Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes
😂 U+1F602 😂 😂 F0 9F 98 82 \u1F602 Face With Tears Of Joy
😃 U+1F603 😃 😃 F0 9F 98 83 \u1F603 Smiling Face With Open Mouth
😄 U+1F604 😄 😄 F0 9F 98 84 \u1F604 Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Smiling Eyes
😅 U+1F605 😅 😅 F0 9F 98 85 \u1F605 Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Cold Sweat
😆 U+1F606 😆 😆 F0 9F 98 86 \u1F606 Smiling Face With Open Mouth And Tightly-closed Eyes
😇 U+1F607 😇 😇 F0 9F 98 87 \u1F607 Smiling Face With Halo
😈 U+1F608 😈 😈 F0 9F 98 88 \u1F608 Smiling Face With Horns
😉 U+1F609 😉 😉 F0 9F 98 89 \u1F609 Winking Face
😊 U+1F60A 😊 😊 F0 9F 98 8A \u1F60A Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes
😋 U+1F60B 😋 😋 F0 9F 98 8B \u1F60B Face Savouring Delicious Food
😌 U+1F60C 😌 😌 F0 9F 98 8C \u1F60C Relieved Face
😍 U+1F60D 😍 😍 F0 9F 98 8D \u1F60D Smiling Face With Heart-shaped Eyes
😎 U+1F60E 😎 😎 F0 9F 98 8E \u1F60E Smiling Face With Sunglasses
😏 U+1F60F 😏 😏 F0 9F 98 8F \u1F60F Smirking Face
😐 U+1F610 😐 😐 F0 9F 98 90 \u1F610 Neutral Face
😑 U+1F611 😑 😑 F0 9F 98 91 \u1F611 Expressionless Face
😒 U+1F612 😒 😒 F0 9F 98 92 \u1F612 Unamused Face
😓 U+1F613 😓 😓 F0 9F 98 93 \u1F613 Face With Cold Sweat
😔 U+1F614 😔 😔 F0 9F 98 94 \u1F614 Pensive Face
😕 U+1F615 😕 😕 F0 9F 98 95 \u1F615 Confused Face
😖 U+1F616 😖 😖 F0 9F 98 96 \u1F616 Confounded Face
😗 U+1F617 😗 😗 F0 9F 98 97 \u1F617 Kissing Face
😘 U+1F618 😘 😘 F0 9F 98 98 \u1F618 Face Throwing A Kiss
😙 U+1F619 😙 😙 F0 9F 98 99 \u1F619 Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes
😚 U+1F61A 😚 😚 F0 9F 98 9A \u1F61A Kissing Face With Closed Eyes
😛 U+1F61B 😛 😛 F0 9F 98 9B \u1F61B Face With Stuck-out Tongue
😜 U+1F61C 😜 😜 F0 9F 98 9C \u1F61C Face With Stuck-out Tongue And Winking Eye
😝 U+1F61D 😝 😝 F0 9F 98 9D \u1F61D Face With Stuck-out Tongue And Tightly-closed Eyes
😞 U+1F61E 😞 😞 F0 9F 98 9E \u1F61E Disappointed Face
😟 U+1F61F 😟 😟 F0 9F 98 9F \u1F61F Worried Face
😠 U+1F620 😠 😠 F0 9F 98 A0 \u1F620 Angry Face
😡 U+1F621 😡 😡 F0 9F 98 A1 \u1F621 Pouting Face
😢 U+1F622 😢 😢 F0 9F 98 A2 \u1F622 Crying Face
😣 U+1F623 😣 😣 F0 9F 98 A3 \u1F623 Persevering Face
😤 U+1F624 😤 😤 F0 9F 98 A4 \u1F624 Face With Look Of Triumph
😥 U+1F625 😥 😥 F0 9F 98 A5 \u1F625 Disappointed But Relieved Face
😦 U+1F626 😦 😦 F0 9F 98 A6 \u1F626 Frowning Face With Open Mouth
😧 U+1F627 😧 😧 F0 9F 98 A7 \u1F627 Anguished Face
😨 U+1F628 😨 😨 F0 9F 98 A8 \u1F628 Fearful Face
😩 U+1F629 😩 😩 F0 9F 98 A9 \u1F629 Weary Face
😪 U+1F62A 😪 😪 F0 9F 98 AA \u1F62A Sleepy Face
😫 U+1F62B 😫 😫 F0 9F 98 AB \u1F62B Tired Face
😬 U+1F62C 😬 😬 F0 9F 98 AC \u1F62C Grimacing Face
😭 U+1F62D 😭 😭 F0 9F 98 AD \u1F62D Loudly Crying Face
😮 U+1F62E 😮 😮 F0 9F 98 AE \u1F62E Face With Open Mouth
😯 U+1F62F 😯 😯 F0 9F 98 AF \u1F62F Hushed Face
😰 U+1F630 😰 😰 F0 9F 98 B0 \u1F630 Face With Open Mouth And Cold Sweat
😱 U+1F631 😱 😱 F0 9F 98 B1 \u1F631 Face Screaming In Fear
😲 U+1F632 😲 😲 F0 9F 98 B2 \u1F632 Astonished Face
😳 U+1F633 😳 😳 F0 9F 98 B3 \u1F633 Flushed Face
😴 U+1F634 😴 😴 F0 9F 98 B4 \u1F634 Sleeping Face
😵 U+1F635 😵 😵 F0 9F 98 B5 \u1F635 Dizzy Face
😶 U+1F636 😶 😶 F0 9F 98 B6 \u1F636 Face Without Mouth
😷 U+1F637 😷 😷 F0 9F 98 B7 \u1F637 Face With Medical Mask
😸 U+1F638 😸 😸 F0 9F 98 B8 \u1F638 Grinning Cat Face With Smiling Eyes
😹 U+1F639 😹 😹 F0 9F 98 B9 \u1F639 Cat Face With Tears Of Joy
😺 U+1F63A 😺 😺 F0 9F 98 BA \u1F63A Smiling Cat Face With Open Mouth
😻 U+1F63B 😻 😻 F0 9F 98 BB \u1F63B Smiling Cat Face With Heart-shaped Eyes
😼 U+1F63C 😼 😼 F0 9F 98 BC \u1F63C Cat Face With Wry Smile
😽 U+1F63D 😽 😽 F0 9F 98 BD \u1F63D Kissing Cat Face With Closed Eyes
😾 U+1F63E 😾 😾 F0 9F 98 BE \u1F63E Pouting Cat Face
😿 U+1F63F 😿 😿 F0 9F 98 BF \u1F63F Crying Cat Face
🙀 U+1F640 🙀 🙀 F0 9F 99 80 \u1F640 Weary Cat Face
🙅 U+1F645 🙅 🙅 F0 9F 99 85 \u1F645 Face With No Good Gesture
🙆 U+1F646 🙆 🙆 F0 9F 99 86 \u1F646 Face With Ok Gesture
🙇 U+1F647 🙇 🙇 F0 9F 99 87 \u1F647 Person Bowing Deeply
🙈 U+1F648 🙈 🙈 F0 9F 99 88 \u1F648 See-no-evil Monkey
🙉 U+1F649 🙉 🙉 F0 9F 99 89 \u1F649 Hear-no-evil Monkey
🙊 U+1F64A 🙊 🙊 F0 9F 99 8A \u1F64A Speak-no-evil Monkey
🙋 U+1F64B 🙋 🙋 F0 9F 99 8B \u1F64B Happy Person Raising One Hand
🙌 U+1F64C 🙌 🙌 F0 9F 99 8C \u1F64C Person Raising Both Hands In Celebration
🙍 U+1F64D 🙍 🙍 F0 9F 99 8D \u1F64D Person Frowning
🙎 U+1F64E 🙎 🙎 F0 9F 99 8E \u1F64E Person With Pouting Face
🙏 U+1F64F 🙏 🙏 F0 9F 99 8F \u1F64F Person With Folded Hands

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