Arabic Supplement
ݐ U+0750 ݐ ݐ DD 90 \u0750 Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Horizontally Below
ݑ U+0751 ݑ ݑ DD 91 \u0751 Arabic Letter Beh With Dot Below And Three Dots Above
ݒ U+0752 ݒ ݒ DD 92 \u0752 Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
ݓ U+0753 ݓ ݓ DD 93 \u0753 Arabic Letter Beh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below And Two Dots Above
ݔ U+0754 ݔ ݔ DD 94 \u0754 Arabic Letter Beh With Two Dots Below And Dot Above
ݕ U+0755 ݕ ݕ DD 95 \u0755 Arabic Letter Beh With Inverted Small V Below
ݖ U+0756 ݖ ݖ DD 96 \u0756 Arabic Letter Beh With Small V
ݗ U+0757 ݗ ݗ DD 97 \u0757 Arabic Letter Hah With Two Dots Above
ݘ U+0758 ݘ ݘ DD 98 \u0758 Arabic Letter Hah With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
ݙ U+0759 ݙ ݙ DD 99 \u0759 Arabic Letter Dal With Two Dots Vertically Below And Small Tah
ݚ U+075A ݚ ݚ DD 9A \u075A Arabic Letter Dal With Inverted Small V Below
ݛ U+075B ݛ ݛ DD 9B \u075B Arabic Letter Reh With Stroke
ݜ U+075C ݜ ݜ DD 9C \u075C Arabic Letter Seen With Four Dots Above
ݝ U+075D ݝ ݝ DD 9D \u075D Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Above
ݞ U+075E ݞ ݞ DD 9E \u075E Arabic Letter Ain With Three Dots Pointing Downwards Above
ݟ U+075F ݟ ݟ DD 9F \u075F Arabic Letter Ain With Two Dots Vertically Above
ݠ U+0760 ݠ ݠ DD A0 \u0760 Arabic Letter Feh With Two Dots Below
ݡ U+0761 ݡ ݡ DD A1 \u0761 Arabic Letter Feh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
ݢ U+0762 ݢ ݢ DD A2 \u0762 Arabic Letter Keheh With Dot Above
ݣ U+0763 ݣ ݣ DD A3 \u0763 Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Above
ݤ U+0764 ݤ ݤ DD A4 \u0764 Arabic Letter Keheh With Three Dots Pointing Upwards Below
ݥ U+0765 ݥ ݥ DD A5 \u0765 Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Above
ݦ U+0766 ݦ ݦ DD A6 \u0766 Arabic Letter Meem With Dot Below
ݧ U+0767 ݧ ݧ DD A7 \u0767 Arabic Letter Noon With Two Dots Below
ݨ U+0768 ݨ ݨ DD A8 \u0768 Arabic Letter Noon With Small Tah
ݩ U+0769 ݩ ݩ DD A9 \u0769 Arabic Letter Noon With Small V
ݪ U+076A ݪ ݪ DD AA \u076A Arabic Letter Lam With Bar
ݫ U+076B ݫ ݫ DD AB \u076B Arabic Letter Reh With Two Dots Vertically Above
ݬ U+076C ݬ ݬ DD AC \u076C Arabic Letter Reh With Hamza Above
ݭ U+076D ݭ ݭ DD AD \u076D Arabic Letter Seen With Two Dots Vertically Above
ݮ U+076E ݮ ݮ DD AE \u076E Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Below
ݯ U+076F ݯ ݯ DD AF \u076F Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
ݰ U+0770 ݰ ݰ DD B0 \u0770 Arabic Letter Seen With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
ݱ U+0771 ݱ ݱ DD B1 \u0771 Arabic Letter Reh With Small Arabic Letter Tah And Two Dots
ݲ U+0772 ݲ ݲ DD B2 \u0772 Arabic Letter Hah With Small Arabic Letter Tah Above
ݳ U+0773 ݳ ݳ DD B3 \u0773 Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Two Above
ݴ U+0774 ݴ ݴ DD B4 \u0774 Arabic Letter Alef With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Three Above
ݵ U+0775 ݵ ݵ DD B5 \u0775 Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Two Above
ݶ U+0776 ݶ ݶ DD B6 \u0776 Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Three Above
ݷ U+0777 ݷ ݷ DD B7 \u0777 Arabic Letter Farsi Yeh With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Four Below
ݸ U+0778 ݸ ݸ DD B8 \u0778 Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Two Above
ݹ U+0779 ݹ ݹ DD B9 \u0779 Arabic Letter Waw With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Three Above
ݺ U+077A ݺ ݺ DD BA \u077A Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Two Above
ݻ U+077B ݻ ݻ DD BB \u077B Arabic Letter Yeh Barree With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Three Above
ݼ U+077C ݼ ݼ DD BC \u077C Arabic Letter Hah With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Four Below
ݽ U+077D ݽ ݽ DD BD \u077D Arabic Letter Seen With Extended Arabic-indic Digit Four Above
ݾ U+077E ݾ ݾ DD BE \u077E Arabic Letter Seen With Inverted V
ݿ U+077F ݿ ݿ DD BF \u077F Arabic Letter Kaf With Two Dots Above

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