Python os Function

Python os module can be used for system operations and do not need to consider the operating system differences(e.g., the difference between Linux, Windows, MacOS).

Major attributes and methods list of os module:

Method/Attribute Description
os.linesep strings for line separation
os.sep separator for file path
os.curdir current directory
os.pardir parent directory
os.remove() delete file
os.rename() rename file
os.walk() get all file names of directory
os.chdir() change working directory
os.mkdir create directory
os.mkdirs create multi-level directory
os.listdir get all files of a directory
os.getcwd() get current working directory
os.chmod() change the access attributes of directory
os.path.basename() get file name out of file path
os.path.dirname() get directory path of a file path
os.path.join() join separate parts into a file path
os.path.split() get separate parts of a file path, include dirname() and basename()
os.path.splitext() get file name and extension
os.path.getatime() most recent visit time
os.path.getctime() create time
os.path.getmtime() most recent modify time
os.path.getsize() get file size
os.path.exists() check file exist or not
os.path.isabs() check the file path is a absolute path or not
os.path.isdir() check the path is a directory of not
os.path.isfile() check the path is a file or not